really fun!!!1 i played this game and killed the square companion cuve. i died to car next. that is how my neighbor died. but unlike him, i did die getting grocerys to hous.e i deid trying to press up arrow to jumop :(
really fun!!!1 i played this game and killed the square companion cuve. i died to car next. that is how my neighbor died. but unlike him, i did die getting grocerys to hous.e i deid trying to press up arrow to jumop :(
super original! keep it up!
so it's like world's hardest game but with better graphics and more features. mucho fun. a thumbs up emoticon -> ---b
i got no idea how the guy below me played for 20min. i think he's a slowster
i got 69 click power. i thought this game was about egg clicking. but not like chicken eggs. but the eggs in ovaries. you should make a sequel called Womb Clicker. i think thatd be cool
It'll probably have to be rated T, M or A due to those themes. Otherwise, it'll most likely be just a womb, not a pregnant woman.
Thanks for suggesting the idea.
i couldnt mute music. i pklay all games on mute. big sad gasys indeed D:
edit: mute button has beemn added, :D
Thanks for the recommendation I will add muting tonight😁
This gmame is mega hard! i got to level 12 which is a holy numeber. mucho good. a also ate foods. all food. pacman must be carefuil. a fruitarian diet is not good. it leads to many health concernes. he needs to talk to a dietitian. my highscore was 560
At first, this seems to be a simple game. But there are layers to this, as this game is clearly meant to be a commentary on racial identity in America.
Our goal is to color the man yellow. His starting color is white. Which is not a color, it is a shade. This part of the game symbolizes how the white race idolizes asians. And how certain white individuals have undergone surgery to appear "asian-like".
The question is, "Is That Racism?". I say no! It is not racist to idolize asians. Why? Because they are a great race. But what counts as asian?
First, what is a Asian. Asians are any persons that were born on the continent Asia. Asia is located east of Europe and Africa. Asia can be seperated into multiple regions. West Asia, Central Asia, North Asia, The Middle East, The Indian Sub-continent, and South-East Asia. No one cares about any of the regions except for South-East Asia. Can you name a single country in Central Asia? NO! Tajikistan? Unimportant!
South-East Asia is what we're talking about. There are a few nations are importance here. The Chinese, The Japanese, The Koreans, The Burmesians, The Philippians, & The Slums Under China'ians. They can be classified on their diet. At one side, is The Japanese who eat a lot of seafood and some stuff. It's usually clean and of good quality. On the other side are The Chinese. 'Nuff said.
The Japanese are the pinnacle of South-East Asian. They are truly the apex predator here, then followed by Industrial Equipment. During the 1920's - 1940's they were not the "top-dog". That title would have been given to The Chinese. The Japanese were angry about this, so they became war-hungry. They issued rifles to every person and would even kill themselves if they got a negative killstreak.
The Japanese invaded every South-East Country and mutilated and raped their peoples. It was only until The Americans came over from across the ocean and dropped two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Frankly, I think they should have bombed Kyoto too.) Now, The Japanese pretend that they never did any wrongs and are extremely butthurt that America bombed even through they attacked Pearl Harbor. So, you can really just tell that they are seething.
The Chinese then got a revolution and then Communists kicked out the Nationalists. The Chinese, now eat rocks. A tragic story indeed. So then The Japanese quickly brown-nosed America and got crazy rich in computers. So now, Japan is a cool country.
Have I been to Japan? No. But I have watched a lot of Anime so I think I know what I'm talking about. But there is a problem in Japan. The lack of men fucking. It is not a secret that the Japanese population is starting to dwindle. This is because a lot of Japanese men are incels. This leads us back to our starting point. White people.
When white people see a void, they will quickly rush in the fill it. My friend told me that one time he saw a video of a White man in Japan and he was being flocked by hordes of Japanese women. Why? Because of seeds! Of course this is a different subject of its own so I won't dive to much. Seed, or ejaculate is what is used to fertilize the garden of the womb. (Vagina). It is called seed because ejaculate is considered a great fertilizer of crop-gardens. I have been pumping my loads onto my carrots and I have been having higher yield than ever.
White men ejaculate is just more powerful and potent. So, Japanese women need it to re-populate their country. Many white people have made the pilgrimage to Japan solely to help re-populate it. I haven't made the journey yet because I have not found any airlines that will allow me to bring my mobility scooter on-board.
This is all well and good. But after many years, we have found something new. The product that has come out of this. A new race. The Wapanese. You see, when a White male, and a South-East Asian female have a kid. It is more appropriate to call it a mutt. They naturally have beady eyes and greasy hair. And worst of all, they are sterile! So no! They can't even re-populate the country after we have left!
This angers me! Why! Why! But there is a solution. 2016. The transgender movement is at it's peak. Gender, is meaningless. Males can become Females. Females can become "Non-Binary". You can become you. It is madness. But what many people don't understand, is that this is progress! Not for social rights, no one cares about that. But by using it to abuse the system!
Many male athletes are becoming females so they can compete in Woman's Only Sports. And guess what? They are dominating them! Incels are turning into girls so they can finally score. I wanted to do it so I could be in the girl's locker-room. The school administration denied me. (Fascists.)
But, me. Noseos, I knew there was something deep down. Something underneath all of this but what? I had to some some digging. Circa 2017. right before Fortnite released. I was in middle-school. And that's what it came to me. Gender is a construct, but what else. Race. It hit me. Race does not matter. Look at the black-"race". When you think of them, you think of poor-dumb-brutes. But that isn't true. Or at least, wasn't true.
Black folk ended up in America as slaves. After they were freed, they stuck to themselves. But they weren't gang-banging yet. What changed? President John F Kennedy wanted to stop central banking. To put our money back into our hands. The bankers didn't like this. They killed him. This marks the change from America being a democratic-republic, to a republic that only the rich can vote in.
Us as citizens, we were whole. One unit, a nation under one God, under one Flag. They didn't like this. We could be a threat. Divide & Conquer. It's as old as time. But you can't just do it openly. That would ruin their cover of secrecy. They had scientists who created many things. The biggest one, synthetic drugs. That's right, the crack epidemic was devised by our own government to destabilize the black population and make it so they can't have a foothold. They then told the blacks it was the white man's fault.
They then told the whites that the blacks are dangerous criminals. And after a few decades they have gone into madness. Charles Manson was too early when he predicted the race war. it is an issue that needs to be stopped.
But there some pockets of blacks who avoided crack. They have strong family structures and live the american dream. But sadly, our Goverment has destroyed most of them. By making that music that advocates the destruction of community and the promotion of violence keeps the blacks down. Some blacks have escaped. Where? Japan! Full circle baby!
The blacks in Japan, or as I call them, "Black-Japs." They are living the dream. Sadly, Japanese women know about the seed. And they get passed up on during their mating dance, and none of the Black-Japs score.
But how can we, as Black And Whites come together to bang some Jap chicks without having sterile children? Easy. Like I said, during my research I stumbled upon that race is meaningless. So is gender. So then just change it. That's right. Transracials!
Rachel Dolezal was the representative of the NAACP, (a black organization). Unbeknownst to everyone there, she was born white. But she decided to change it. Feel as though you're being discriminated against? Change it and tryout that white privilege. Getting called a colonizer? Not anymore, you're black now!
Like I said, this game is about turning a character from White to Yellow. Caucasians have swapped their race to Asians. This changes the seed of white folk to that of yellow-folk. Sure, this does lower the potency, but the children, aren't sterile. A solution.
This is due to Yakub. Yakub if you don't know is the creator of the all races except for that of the black folk. This history was hidden from us, until the Nation of Islam (They aren't muslims) find this and shared with the world.
Yakub was bullied by the blacks for his large head. It was large, because it contained knowledge. He needed revenge. He left Africa and went north to the Mediterranean island of Patmos. There in a cave he abducted black folk who had lighter skin. Y'know, like brown skin instead of black. And he bred the lightest ones together.
White people were made. They were Yakub's favorite race. He taught them tricknology. There was never a lie told, until white people came along. Using tricknology, white people quickly became the "top-dog". An amazing feat indeed.
So, it's all good. Anyone can change their race or gender. All is well. Wrong! There is a villain to this. White women. Yes, they love transgenders. But they hate transracials. Hypocrisy at it's finest. White women are the real racists.
But why are they mad? Because we don't want them, sorry ladies! We're making the pilgrimage without you. White Women, or WW from now one are essentially Nazis. WW? SS! They hate other women who aren't white. Because they just are. Sadly there hasn't been enough studied done on this.
I would go out and get some work done on this, but I'm still riding my glory days of discovering transracialism and bringing it to the Eastern Seaboard. But what can we do about this? Well, there was one opponent of WW. Mr. Tate. Andrew Tate was taking a stance against WW. A hero really.
Against him was not only the Schutzstaffel of women, but the hordes of simps. Not all simps are bad mind you. Only the one's that praise Weisse Frauen. Andrew Tate was arrested because of Greta Thunberg, a white swedish women. Who has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. (It's True!)
Andrew Tate's enemies, who I dubbed, "Tater-Haters.". From the FRED song. Who doesn't like potatoes? Tater Haters! It's out of my mind!
There seems to be almost no one left to counter this wave of hate. No one except for you, I believe that you can do it. You are the protector of goth asian babes and even brown short tomboys. Are you going to let hate win? NO! LOVE ALWAYS WINS!!!
Band together, we have are soon to engage not in a race war, but in a hate war. One that will decide that fate of either good (us) or evil (not us). Mount your chariots, for me, I have glued cardboard to the front of my mobility scooter. I have painted red so it kinda looks like a roman chariot. I will lead us from the back lines. Preferably in my house.
I even wrote an anthem that we can play. "As I look out, into the fields. I feel nothing but solemn dogs! I even feel my tummy rumbling, in this arctic fields I think! It is so good! It is so good! I love it sooooo much! Oh yes indeed oh yes indeed. We are surely to win! Shurly Shurly Shurly. Daddadaddad." What do you guys think?
Well. That's about it. I hope you guys now understand the importance of this game. And what it says about race-swapping and how it's ok. You're not a bad person for being transracial. We are going to fight for your rights. White women, are just fascists. Let's do this.... together.
- Your friend, Noseos. MD
I just made it because I thought it was funny but your theory is cool too. Great job 👍
this game is soo hard. very ahrd indeed. but when i jump, i flyyyy like bird. maybes 10 feet? yes i do. and then over truck i go. not dafe, dangerous teach kids bad lasson. i die. but when i click retry it no work. but it work again laters. also why is he killed matt? my neightbor is called matt and he is ugly. what about Reqauro? that is a elegant and royal nam,e. one of pristinge
this game is AMAZIGN!!!!!! idk what the other reviews are saying but this is toooooo good. I was jumpign, and then i jumoped. very few bugs, feels good to jump. mny big problem is the looks of our guy, i think he looks dumb. perhaps, givimng him a beer ghut would help. :) that is my idea
Thank you for cheering me up with your comment, it’s very nice
i like the thing
Age 26, Male
mom doer
Chestingham's School For The M
Joined on 4/23/19